Champions Tennis

Had an amazing afternoon in London watching the champions tennis at the Royal Albert Hall. Never been before- what an amazing building!! We saw the men's singles final between Ferrera and Safin. Both retired now but still brilliant to watch. They hit the ball so hard! We had front row seats so were really close to the players. There was no hawk eye so when the players wanted to challenge the line calls the audience made the decision by holding up these cards!

After that was doubles with Mark Phillapoussis/Bahrami and Pat Rafter/Pernfors which was a show match. They are all mucking about. It was hilarious. Such good entertainment. Bahrami had me in stitches.

Towards the end of the match Eva was getting tired and started to complain rather loudly that she was hot just as Pernfors was about to serve! I wanted the ground to swallow me up! The match came to a standstill and all four players came over to see if she was ok, asking did she want a drink etc, did she want to come on and play. Everyone was "Aww"ing at her but she hates people looking at her so she started to have a proper meltdown! They gave her a ball to play with (which Toby is so jealous of) and Mike took her outside to calm down a bit. After the match, as we were leaving loads of people were recognising her and saying hello!!

The trains home were delayed so we didn't get home till 11.30pm. Arghh - it's a school night!!

Extra photos of the day

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