Hanging around

I woke feeling much better...thanks for all your get well wishes yesterday...
Today's a national holiday in Spain, so Asha was off school. Danny took Nate out with him this morning so Asha & I could have some 1-1 time...we painted, and I finally got round to repairing her monkey.
When the lads got home we popped out to the mini Christmas market down in the square, pottered and picked up one or two bits...then headed to Nude. 

It's been a really lovely day...
Danny's off out now with jumpers, scarves and socks for some of the homeless guys. He saw a couple of people this afternoon who gave him an idea of what's currently needed. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Waking up and feeling much better.
2) A ridiculously lovely and encouraging email from M&M.
3) Time with just Asha. I love listening to her rabbit away.

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