Cathedral Precincts

I'm still finding too little time for photography. This afternoon I had to go into town with Alex and on our way back to the care I whipped out the iPhone to take a few images of the city centre, mostly so that I didn't have yet another empty day in my journal.

This is a view of the magnificent west front of Peterborough Cathedral seen through the  Norman gateway at the western entrance to the Cathedral Precincts. The gateway  is sometimes referred to as the St Nicholas Gateway, as the Chapel of St Nicholas was originally situated above the arch. It was built by Abbot Benedict (1177-93), who was also responsible for building the nave of the cathedral. The Medieval wooden gate on the right-hand side of the picture is thought to be the oldest working gate in England.

I've also added an extra picture of Peterborough's cost-cutting Christmas tree, which still doesn't excite the Christmas spirit in me. We bought our real tree on Monday - it's standing outside in a bucket of water ready to be brought into the house this coming weekend. We were advised that by ensuring that it's fully hydrated it should stay in good condition right through to the New Year. Here's hoping... 

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