Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Did you hear the news?

Said the robin to the sparrow...

Before I get to today's main story (the Tiny Tuesday results), I have to take a moment to say Congratulations to Australia!  Most mornings when I open up my news app, I brace myself for yet more troubling stories - but today, the first story in my feed was that Australia had voted to legalize same-sex marriage.  Can't tell you how happy that made me.  

Now, onto the Tiny Tuesday news!  Let me first say that there were so many delightful, poignant, funny and beautiful entries that trying to narrow it down to just a handful of hearts was just about impossible.  If I could, I'd give every single entry a heart.  In no particular order, hearts today go to:
NickiMags888 for her magical Christmas fairies
Lizellen for her glimpse of springtime love in the butterfly world
GrahamColling for his unique, and beautifully photographed,  interpretation of the challenge 
Miranda1008 for her wonderful depiction of a seasonal holiday family tradition
Colstro for a beautifully rendered mono image of a magical fairy

And Honorable Mentions go to...
Flying for a seasonal shot with a touch of drama
KeenKen for a whimsical image of "robin in snow"
Honeycombebeach for a moving and unusual take on seasonal
JohnRH for a very creative and well photographed seasonal image
GadgetKid for an interesting glimpse of seasonal in Dubai

I've decided to keep the "Seasonal" theme going for the entire month of December.  Not only is this a month where many religious events are celebrated, but it is also the month where fall transitions to winter in the north, and spring to summer in the south.  I challenge you all to take a close look at the things around you that portray what the season means to you - give us a look at the tiny signs of the season.  I can't wait for next week - remember that the tag will be TT133.

I'm headed over to visit MIL for a bit; then hopefully out for a brisk walk.  It's quite chilly out today, and windy, so I won't need any extra incentive to walk briskly!  Hubs is in Pennsylvania today with one of his race team-mates picking up a new engine for the race car.  Hmmm - two not-young guys driving 3.5 hours to load a heavy engine into the back of a truck and then driving another 3.5 hours back and unloading it - what could possibly go wrong?  


PS:  And we had another bear-visit sometime in the dark of night - a smashed feeder (one that had already survived two other bear assaults) and a steel pole bent at a 45 degree angle...  It was the only damned feeder that I forgot to bring in last night - drat.

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