Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A day for soup!

The garden seemed quiet today without the contract gardeners, no more extra cups of tea being made mid morning for them when I have make mine, even Murdoch seemed to miss them - they have been with us for 3 months and he got to like them very much and enjoyed following them around the garden. Still, it is lovely to have the house back to ourselves again and not have people constantly here and trucks coming and going.

It was well timed as a friend wanted to pop in to see the house today. I told her to come at lunch time and I made a simple lunch - a salad with pears, caramelised walnuts and blue cheese with a tangy dressing followed by my latest addiction which is sweet potato and red lentil soup. It was just the perfect day for soup as it was raining for most of the day, I presume the rain is the forerunner of Storm Caroline which is due to arrive tonight making tomorrow very cold indeed.

So I spent some of the morning making the soup and enjoying being indoors on a day like today - and after I made it I photographed the soup. If anyone wants the recipe here is the link.

Tonight it is book club, our last one for this year. I am reading so much more now that I have discovered Whispersync whereby once you have bought the book on Kindle you can buy the audio book for a very much reduced price and then use either method to read it on Kindle or listen to the book on my phone and it automatically syncs between the two devices. I thoroughly enjoyed Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie (rather topical at the moment) and am now reading Tin Man by Sarah Winman.

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