
By Poppy

The start of it . . .

A horrendous day weather-wise.  I can't remember the sea being so high or wild. The road through the village is awash and strewn with seaweed.  The Churchill barriers were closed, the schools were closed, no post, flooding in St Margaret's Hope but thankfully not in the shop, awful problems with the ferries, lots of damage being reported but so far the electricity has stayed on!  Our weather station recorded wind in the back garden of 87.8 knots!  

This was Mike checking that the boats that are wintered here were okay, before the wind got up.  We moved our dinghy round into the relative shelter, but could do nothing for Peridot.  

She was anchored at the head of the bay, which is a good safe spot, and seemed fine but later in the day dragged her anchor.  We know where she was when it got dark, so will have to see in the morning where she is, and what state she is in. 

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