
I was awake half the night with coughing fits.
When I phoned the doctor's surgery at 8am when it opened for an emergency appointment I was told that they were all taken.
How? 2 minutes after opening?
Another check..... there was one available slot at 2.30pm.

You have no idea how hard the council make it to apply for a bus pass!
After  what appeared to be an age on their useless website they made the mistake of asking me to do a survey on the experience.
I bet the recipient wishes they hadn't.

After hanging about at the health centre I was eventually seen.
I may not have an infection - or it may be on its way out.
I was given a prescription but asked to hang off cashing it in for the next two or three days. If it gets worse I have to go and get the antibiotics - if it doesn't I have to scrap it............ an easier option than trying to get another appointment before I fly out on Tuesday . Seems sensible.

We had to look after the monsters for a short while to let Bags go to the dentist.
She has broken a molar. She had an x-ray and is being referred to the hospital because the root of the molar is so close to a major nerve and if it has to come out it may require surgery.
This family does nothing by half when it comes to medical stuff!


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