
Catching up with back posts, Wednesday and Thursday! Decorating continues but the list does not diminish.....
I did get a couple of things non house related done today,  collected and photographed my off road rims and tyres that don't fit the current Shogun in readiness for selling. Hence the image and title for today, also realized Saturday would be the first time I would have to take Badger and the Girls in the same travel box, Badger no longer fits in his puppy box! So with fingers crossed and heart in mouth I loaded them up and went for a drive about. To my relief all went well and no blood or fur was lost!
Still hating the latest W10 update!  Although the bb is running better and the computer is not hang like it was earlier in the week. Hope you are all managing to cope with the weather ( the heat for my southern friends, fires in the US and storms and snow in the north here! Take care each and everyone of you. 

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