
By Tinks

Jade's rant!

Jade was surfing the internet....

J: Can you believe it Mum? I think it's disgraceful! Tut, and they're way too cool for adults so why do they only do them in adult sizes? I think it's disgusting! Tut! I mean, can you really believe it?

Me: What are you talking about?

J: I really, really, really want some Converse Allstar X Hi's and they only do the Hi's in my size not the X Hi's!

Me: Oh well never mind (thinking great you're not having any anyway!)

J: I think it's terrible Mum, you know, just 'cos I've got small feet I'm not allowed the boots I want! I think I'm going to write to Mr. Chuck Taylor and tell him exactly what I think of his marketing! I've got a good mind to write to Barack Obama infact!

Me: You do that Jade!


Blimey! I can't wait until she's 13!

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