Derelict December

I hadn't realised there was a dereliction challenge at the moment but I think this fits the bill!

I've had the most amazing day today (or I should say, yesterday, as I'm blipping a day late). In the morning, I put the final touches to my PowerPoint before running a small photography workshop at church - a first for me but it seemed to go well and I certainly enjoyed it! Then I got the opportunity to explore the plot of land that the church is buying.... wow! what a thrill that was! I spent an hour and a half, happily picking my way through broken glass and taking photos. Clearly, there is much work to be done but so exciting...... :))

By the time I returned home, it was late afternoon. I'd booked a visit for 4:30 to see the  house at Kingston Lacy, all decked out in its Christmas finery, so off I toddled again! It was very beautiful but oh, what a contrast to what I'd just seen!

After all that, there wasn't much time to do anything but cook dinner and download myriads of photos and I simply couldn't make a decision on my blip until this morning!

Many thanks for everything, as always! Have a great weekend and stay warm!

Ann :))

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