MissTracy Photography

By MissTracy

Down My Road...

Had to de-frost the car this morning! Eeeek! The weather's turning, but never say never that there will be another warm snap before November.

I remember being in York this time last year with the girls and we spent the whole time sat outside because the weather was so fine. I shall be doing the same again on Sunday when I join them for the day this time rather than the weekend.

I cancelled going with them as I had anticipated being busy centralising staff around about now, but that has been delayed because there have been quibbles over the contract. That was signed today though, so it will be all systems go over the next few months and I'm anticipating being very busy.

Next year will be a very interesting one and I may see quite a few changes happening in my life....

Oh, this is the road that I live on. I had bobbed out to take a picture of the fairy lights on the sea front but they weren't on, so this is what we have! I really am rubbish at night shots, but I'll keep having a go until I'm not!

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