
23:30 Edinburgh
9.5°C inside downstairs
-2°C outside back door & still dropping

No breeze

SocialBite's - Sleep In the Park is on tonight in Princes Street Gardens to raise awareness & much needed funds for local charities to help homeless into accommodation & to provide the support to stay on in accommodation.

This is not a festival event but had some entertainment to start, the rest of the night folks are sleeping in their sleeping bags out in the open. Whilst 9000 bodies might create some heat, body temp can drops when asleep & faster if not used to the cold.

Having worked past winter events in the Gardens it is very cold, it is a like a bowl & the cold air sinks down into it. Glad there is no breeze & not wet.

Currently raised £3.6m & more coming in. I hope this will be a catalyst to more support being available for those homeless on the street & also those in insecure temp accommodation.

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