
The sky was colourful - for all of about 5 minutes!
But it stayed clear all day - despite what the weather forecasters said.

We are looking after the monsters this weekend whilst Bags and hubby are away for his work's doo ......... a weekend at Cameron House (very nice too!).
It meant that I got the chance to see how Squirrel is getting on with her swimming.
According to the instructor she is doing really well. 
It looked like she was doing really well at drowning to me, but apparently she was working out which side was most comfortable to breathe while doing the crawl (by using just one arm going up the pool and the other arm back down might help if she actually turned her head to breathe  - lol).

The afternoon was spent with the monsters cuddled up to me on the settee watching a couple of seasonal films.

In the evening  - like we ate at a fast food emporium before going to see the Chinese Laterns at the zoo.
They are very colourful.
The Peacocks were quite hard to get with their tails fully coloured as they were going in sequence.
Obviously animals were the main features were animals like Lions and Gorillas but of course there were also Dragons and other mythical creatures.
The biggest one was The Temple.
I was really annoyed at the show with dancing, accrobatics and juggling because we were directed towards the back of the people where we would get a better view.
I might have at 6'4" but not the kids (and not just ours) - and certainly not when the other 6 footers turned up, deliberately stood in front of the kids and then hoisted there toddlers onto their shoulders. There was also the forrest of phones stuck in the air on selfie sticks.
We gave up after the first dancer.

I hate people!

Sleepy kids on the way home.

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