Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


As yesterday, I was escorting 13yo to his extracurricular engagements while 10yo was off on hers. Which gave me an hour to wander down to the river and the nature reserve.

I soon realised I'd brought a camera with no memory card, so I've relied on my phone to bring you a view of the frozen pond.

On the river there were a couple of pairs of Goosander and in the reserve I watched the small birds at the feeders, including a rosy male Bullfinch.

In the small pond a Grey Heron was stalking the reeds. Watching through my binoculars it was like a scene from Jurassic Park with a long-necked beast crouched down and alertly getting its head into whatever small space it could. Given the frozen conditions I assume it was after a mouse or a vole, or possibly a small bird but I didn't see it catch anything.

The day's snow fall has ended up being very disappointing - the forecast of a couple of days ago declining to just a few flurries in the afternoon. Still, we've taken advantage of a low key weekend to get the tree and  decorations up. It's beginning to feel...

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