Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At home: very loved bear x

Its been a long evening. I have been helping Ella is doing a her school project on the history of the teddy bear. Teddy Roosevelt it seems was a political little bear. From the US presidential take on him, to Margaret Stieff and her German bears to the British Farnell bear. I never new such a little object has subconsciously altered so many children's minds.

Ella and I then went on to view these teddys on eBay under an 'old teddy bear' search. The little mug shots came up, almost like pictures of lost children. We both wondered who and why they were given up, and the lives these bears had once had. Ells said she would never sell her bear. He was my gift to her on the day she was born. He has travelled her life for nearly 10 years. Oh the stories he could tell. He's a faithful friend. X

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