
My brother came over today and we went to a nearby Italian restaurant for a very enjoyable early birthday lunch (his birthday is on Wednesday). It was snowing before he arrived but the rain that we had while we were at the restaurant made all the snow melt. I just hope now that we're not going to have a frosty night.

I apologise in advance for any future rubbish blips that I may post but work, which is getting busier by the day it seems with Christmas and New Year getting closer, and also the often bad weather at this time of the year are making it increasingly difficult to find an entry that is not too bad.

I apologise as well for my lack of comments on other journals but work is exhausting me so much these days that I can't even stay awake long enough anymore to post my blips on the actual day when I eventually get to sit down in front of the laptop. I admit that I could always come on the laptop earlier in the evening, but I prefer to spend that time with Casper after not having seen him since early in the morning on most  days of the week and then I only have enough time to just give him his breakfast.

Thank you for taking a look at my backblips for Thursday 7th DecemberFriday 8th December and Saturday 9th December.

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