
Day 2

Had a really busy day today seeing a lot of the staff at the college today. I really love working here as they are all really appreciative of all the work you do and are a friendly supportive group.

When I got a minute to breath between "patients" I looked out of the window for a few seconds - of course with my camera and watched the new recruits being taught decontamination training for use in the event of a chemical spillage or war-fare.

The picture is really poor quality as it was taken as the daylight was fading, through a window in a room with the light on that you can't switch off as it's on a sensor. Plus I didn't want them to see the flash and think I was a voyeur!
The exercise takes about an hour by the time the team are issued with breathing apparatus - hence the large backpack under the chemical hazard outfits. I think they look like some form of Moomin creature. They have to then walk up to the temporary rigged up decontamination shower to be cleaned. Their next task is then to work out what to do with the contaminated water that has just landed on the ground, then how do they get out of the kit without getting themselves and others contaminated and then dispose of the uniforms, all without getting in touch with whatever the mystery agent was used. Good fun to watch - not to partake. So glad I was in the classroom

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