
Sadly yesterday I've received a complaint about my activity in blipfoto.
It has been wrongly reported that my uploaded images seem to have been taken on many other dates other than the one I'm posting them against.
In consequence the Moderation-Team has deleted all my entrance form 6th to October 10th. I've contacted the blipfoto-team on this issue to clear up the misunderstanding. Unfortunately it might take up to 14 days to receive a reply form them. Until then I'll not be any longer uploading Maiko or Geisha images to avoid any further problems. (Sadly I've lost all the last five days comments & feedbacks...)

I'll keep you posted.

I've received an email form the Moderation-Team. They were very helpful and nice.

Just in case, I would like to let everyone know that I've deleted all my images.

I'll explain more tomorrow... sorry it's getting late here... I'm little tired... it's been a long day.

Thank you so much for all of your kind comments!!!

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