
By Lenore

Snow - again...

I read the weather report last night, something I rarely do.  I think I wished I hadn't, it was pretty unpleasant reading, suggesting it would be almost tropical if we reached 1 degree in the space of 3 days.  So this morning, we woke up to more snow and cars covered in a few inches, thus an exciting time if you are two and can help get cars ready, but not if you're a little older and have to drive along our country roads. 

Took the boys out this afternoon on the husbands home made sledge (a piece of card), this works well until it gets to wet and disintegrates, a neighbour came to our rescue and lent us a proper one, which was far better.  Or at least, it was far better until the boys got cold and we retired for hot chocolate and the fire. 

Of the many, many 'photo ops' today, this is our garden, as I didn't mange to get anything more exciting (beautiful fields and roads, tress covered in snow, boys screaming with laughter - until they got too cold and I hadn't seized the moment to get a picture...) 

Poor husband is busy putting up a curtain over the front door to keep the cold out.  As he said, why is it that any 'quick DIY job' goes wrong and takes ages.  The house is fighting back it seems. But given that it's due to stay below freezing all day tomorrow, I think we need it. 

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