French With John

This young man named John sits next to me in French every morning. Sometimes, I switch seats and he still sits to my right. John is a constant source of entertainment.

-Once, he disappeared for a whole week. I was sad because I thought he dropped the class but he came back and informed me it was just because he had "work to be done".
-Everyday he brings a bagel and once he informed me the cream cheese tasted like fish. It was lox, silly John.
-Every Friday he gets really excited and repeats "BON WEEKEND JILL" over and over.
-Today, he had to ask me if he was in class yesterday. He wasn't.
-Today, he also spilled his coffee everywhere. I died of laughter.

I'd say he's my favorite part of each day. But he doesn't show up enough to earn that title. But definitely a source of amusement when he does.

"Friends don't leave you alone in the woods. Friends are the ones who come and take you out."
-Sarah Dessen, Lock and Key

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