Another one gone

It's warming up today and although there was frost on the car at first a thaw is definitely on the way. Many other parts of the UK are still under serious snow, however, so our coastal location is having some effect.

I had to go down to the town this morning so drove up Polvinister Road to have a look at the old reservoir. It's quite a small one and has recently been decommissioned, or whatever Scottish Water does to reservoirs, by lowering the water level to a certain level which takes it out of reservoir legislation. The site is of two acres and has now been sold, I can only imagine by somebody who hopes to build on it - it's right in the middle of a residential area.

I found out only just before the auction and wrote to Scottish Water wearing my 'Keep Oban Beautiful' hat, suggesting that it be given to the town, or to the Scottish Wildlife Trust, and managed as a nature reserve. Unsurprisingly I received no reply! 

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