
By mindful_life

Tiny Tuesday- guess what ?

Today has been a day of challenges in many respects! I knew that school wasn’t opening until 10am which meant that I would be late in to work. This worries me enormously- I tend to automatically think people with think I’m lying or that my efforts aren’t good enough. I tried to arrange help but I couldn’t get any and also in my conscience was that I wanted to walk my children to school in case they fell in the ice.

So I got to work an hour late and I don’t anyone minded- although that feeling still lingered. So I worked through my lunch and an hour extra after my hours (although I don’t know if anyone noticed!) and I come away hoping that I won’t get a ‘black mark’, not that they exist!

My mum came to the rescue collecting them from school for me.

I am naturally someone who is always trying to please others but I think sometimes it is to my detriment!

Anyway... I was struggling for Tiny Tuesday because of literally being at my desk all day but when I got home and had a snack I had these beautiful pomegranate seeds with some yogurt and

I thought they fit perfectly! Do they look wonderful, bright little gems and taste mouth-wateringly sweet.

This is true evidence of the beauty that exists in the most simple tiny things. The vibrant red and glossy skin is glorious. I tend to worry about things that others probably wouldn’t give a second thought to - we are human, we aren’t perfect and no one should expect us to be. And most importantly what other people think about us isn’t important anyway - we are amazing beings with independent minds and thoughts and our thoughts are never silly or crazy or wrong, because they are our thoughts.

This evening, after my pomegranate seeds, I telephoned my hairdresser. I had the pink put in last week and I think he was a bit worried whether I liked it! It was a bit of a shock (even though I asked for it - you can’t ever really imagine what it will be like). So I called to let him know I love it! He thanked me for calling him and said he had been worrying - he loved it for sure and thought I would! He also said it’s so nice for people to call with positive comments! I’m really glad I called x

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