Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

At the Neighborhood Ball

Had to change my photo. I was so stoked seeing Michele and Pres Obama dancing at the Neighborhood Ball. I will have to catch the little bird another day. I just love their energy up there. So loving and intelligent and inclusive...and the dance was I'll-swoon-now-smooth. But what I really like...well, do you see how they are clapping with such open joy? I'm loving that. It is such a refreshing change.

Of course I was glued to the inauguration today, and I found it very uplifting and a great change from the exclusionamakations that the GW and Dick were so good at.

What really got in my craw were the many, many times that media and some speakers would say "There has been a peaceful transfer of power".

Well, in my book the power is supposed to be in the hands of the people, and operated through the guidelines of our constitution. There is not supposed to be a "transfer of power"as "we the people" are supposedly the power. We simply have a new representative of the power that the people who are represented hold.

So anyway, that whole "peaceful transfer of power" is a phrase that can disappear as far as I am concerned.

Some little tidbits that many probably have heard. One is that psychics have been saying for a couple of years that Obama is the reincarnation of Lincoln and that he is going to finish the job started before. After hearing this so long, it was no surprise to hear that he used the Lincoln Bible. Another thing is that 44 is a really good master number and can't be made into a smaller number. This is an auspicious sign too.

Other number things of the day: Sworn in at 12:06, which equals a 9 - a number of completion. And then his speech ended at 12:26 which equals another master number of 11. These are things I observe when watching things like this as I am nursing a headache that is about 28 hours old. heh

I don't know that I do or do not buy into a lot of things I think about and ponder, but I did love the way inclusion was the mode of the day and after hearing so many people proclaim that "the US is a Christian nation" it was good to hear President Obama celebrate all faiths including Atheism.

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