Three Sisters and a dog.

That’s what The Boss said when this image appeared on his Macbook  this arvo. We had been out early as the weather didn’t kno wether to rain of not and finally did…rain…so it was a good decision. 
I had a trip to one of my favourite places this arvo…The Vets. I just love this place as it smells totally wonderful and all the nice people give me treats  for being a “Good Dog” when I am doing nothing special.. OH I have a cyst. Not a big deal says The Boss and I hadn’t actually noticed it hidden in the furls.

Anyway todays story came from the nice Vet lady as she was sticking needles into me.
It appears that a while ago she had to go back to the clinic late at night to check up on an inmate…so to bark… AND there she was in the pitch dark fumbling for her keys when she heard a scuffling noise behind her and thinking there might be a drug chasing individual she whipped around to see nothing there then looked down to see a small black spoodle jumping up to get her attention. After checking it’s plates and phoning home it’s owner declared it had escaped and obviously headed for the nearest feeding centre so took itself to the Vets. 
Times seemed to have changed. Dogs are supposed to hate this place…

Oh and Bigger Sisters are better Sisters. 


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