Traveller's Curse

Family and Communities day - the second consecutive long weekend.

Werner, Alice, her two couch surfing Germans and I left to test out Pegasus on some off road tracks up in Tidbinbilla, a national park just outside of Canberra.

The only reason I haven't be able to drive Pegasus so far is because I'm not covered by third party insurance - so out in the middle of nowhere was the perfect place to give it a go. Unfortunately, the "off-road" ended much earlier than anticipated and I ended up driving the next 30 km or so on the main road. Pretty scary driving a car that's about three times the size of my Citroen back home.

We ended up in Tidbinbilla tracking station to take a look at the satellite (pictured) and some of the exhibits.

From there we drove down to the actual national park to have a little wonder around, thus completing our little circuit.

Alice was busy in the evening, so we took the two couch surfers back home and hosted them for dinner. Seeing them off in the evening as they boarded their bus to Melbourne was strangely sad, since I'd only known them for a few hours. It reminded me of the curse of the traveller.

The late evening was dominated by the following discussion: Parallel lines never cross. Lines that do cross will drift apart. Which is sadder?

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