Let There Be Light

By solli


the Yellow-rumped Warbler!
Dendroica coronata coranata

It seems to me that for the past few days my focus has been on the backside of things. Don't quite understand why but it's been interesting anyway!

The birds are in migration at Lenape and I'm a very happy camper. A group of yellow shafted Northern Flickers have been flying back and forth between the Cranford and Westfield sections of Lenape but they've been perching at the top of very tall trees so it's been difficult to get a clear shot. As long as they stay, I'll keep at it!

I've been seeing Palm Warblers, Towhees, tons of Sparrows, the Catbirds, the resident Cardinal family and a few hawks. There are others but they're too quick for me.

The sun has brought out a few larger dragons and a white cabbage butterfly. It's really great to observe all the activity as the birds hunt for their morning seeds and bugs.

To see why Myrtle is called a yellow rumped warbler please click here for a few pics on flickr.

Thank you all for your continued hearts, stars and comments! Always appreciated! xo

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