A shapely field

I smiled as I watched a hare race around, stop, then take off again. Some of appeared to have a social element to it though maybe that was my imagination.

The hare seemed to run to where a magpie was sitting, then to another magpie. Just me, a hare, and a scattering of magpies :-)

Hmmm, pump on a Thursday evening. I'm not sure it's for me as I'm tired and it's tough.

With the popes help (not) I now have solar lights strung on one othe shapely shrubs out from the lounge. They look great as the shrub is Christmas tree shaped. Tomorrow evening we'll string up another set on an unsuspecting shrub ;-)

At work I had my third and last meeting to approve and sign off on a proposal for a big block of work in the New Year. It will keep me out of mischief for all of January. Each meeting has gone smoothly and today it was the project's sponsors turn to give their approval. I just need a few questions answered before I plan it.

Today's gratitude: Dad slept well last night and had a good day today. We're all pleased about that.

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