
I always take a straight, face-on portrait after swimming. One black and white (I've featured a few here over the last couple of years) and one colour (which has never featured here) and I've now got loads of them all stuck away in their date folders on my hard drive with all the other photos I've taken. I dunno what I'll do with 'em, maybe make a flick book in my old age and watch my hair get longer and my beard get thicker as I whizz through them. Or maybe nowt at all which is much more likely.

Anyway, I mention all that for no particular reason at all. Today's blip features top-face post-swim, and bottom-face pre-swim. Oh, and they've both been flipped horizontally as well which makes it look, to my eyes at least, like I'm at a bit of a funny angle.

Right, I was listening to some jazz earlier, summat that I have just looked up the details of and I'm glad to inform you that the following track was recorded on June 17th, 1964 for Blue Note Records. So now you know.

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