cherish what remains

By clothgirl


365 photos. One year of blip. I am grateful to etherghost and stewartbremner for getting me started with cake, curry & chat and for keeping me going when I got tired or discouraged. And, of course, to blipcentral for all that they do to keep this amazing place running.

It has been enriching in so many ways to have this journal as a focus and record of every day. Many days it is about attempting, learning, striving, to take, what I think, is a good photograph, but sometimes it's just a snap of what's happening. Funny how the absolute worst photograph I took all year is actually my favorite, because in that special moment I felt loved, and because of blip I have a visual memory to cherish.

Maybe my biggest accomplishment this year, as far as challenging myself, was the series of self portraits I did in August. If you haven't tried self portrait or you haven't done a series in a while I highly recommend the process. I found myself learning a lot about camera angles and ego attachments, it was an interesting month...

Most of all I want to thank everyone who stops by for a look and for your comments, they are much appreciated, thank you, thank you, thank you.


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