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By pplnani

The Committee Tree

Every so often a large flock of starlings land in this tree, twitter and squawk for several minutes then fly off somewhere puts me in mind of a PTA committee I used to attend many years ago, where everyone had an opinion (the only correct one of course) which was voiced loudly so as to drown out all the other people talking........needless to say it was a typical committee......lots of hot air and bluster and very little action ;-))

My mum had a strange thing happen yesterday..........she was on the phone to her friend when an automated voice broke into the conversation and said " please end this call, there is an emergency call trying to get through " ..........she quickly ended the call and waited......nothing happened. She was understandably shaken by this and phoned me from her mobile. Who/whatever it was never called back and I'm mystified.......has anyone else ever heard of this happening?
The only thing I can think of is that it was something to do with the alarm button she wears.........except that she wasn't wearing it at the time because she was getting changed ready to go out when her friend called........a real mystery :-/

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