Hector's House

By MisterPrime


'A History of British Mollusca and their Shells' by Professor Edward Forbes, F.R.S. and Sylvanus Hanley F.L.S., in four volumes, 1853.

Went to a preview screening of 'Frankenweenie' last night. You should take everyone you know to see it. Vintage Tim Burton: I'm talking 'Corpse Bride' good, maybe 'Nightmare...' good. Really, Burton is a genius - he doesn't always get it right, but when he does there's nobody to touch him for keeping the magic in the twenty-first century cinema.

Still waiting for my This Many Boyfriends CD to pop through the door - in the meantime, I've had to get my indiepop fix this week from Sheffield's finest, the very wonderful Standard Fare. Both their albums to date are pretty good (though I think maybe the first one edges it...) - and they both have that thing where you get to the end and really can't think of anything better to put on next than the same thing again...

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