
The ice is thickest in the middle, but that's where the water is deepest....

Taken a little after lunch I think this captures a sense of the fast approaching equinox, I for one can't wait for the days to start getting longer.

In other news I went for a swim today. Regular followers will note that that makes two such events this year. For someone with my disdain for swimming that's quite something. Surgeons, physios and friends have all banged on about commented on the benefits, but I so dislike it. Well it turns out I dislike being in pain more so I decided to give it a go. To be fair it was OK, nice to make the arms ache, but having only swum in lakes and pools recently I was a bit shocked at the chemical nature of the water, it was terrible. Goggles would appear to be a must. My eyes felt like I'd spent 35 minutes chopping onions.
But, and for me it's a big but, I'll persevere. 

Philosophy Friday
I'm not too bothered about walking on thin ice. It's not that I'm an expert at it - I'm just confident in my ability to swim.
John Alexander Tristram

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