And So It Begins

Up nice and early and off to the airport.
Pre-booked in and the baggage drop of was a breeze and over in maybe 2 minutes - excellent.
A good flight to Heathrow and no having to change terminals ..... also excellent.
But due to "weather" hiccups two days previously there was a delay - waiting on a plane being brought out of storage as the correct one was somewhere else. Once on the place there was a further delay while they de-iced the plane.
So, 2 hours late we leave the ground, but to be honest, for some reason it didn't feel that long.
The flight wasn't bad and there was a good selection of films to keep me occupied.
SWMBO's brother picked us up and after a detour through areas he never knew existed (due to the main highway being closed because of some nutter having a minor accident, stripping naked and jumping off a bridge onto a car before running off ....... he was arrested and has been charged with a number of offences!) it was home to a take-way and an early bed!

Due to not changing times on the cameras and there being a 5 hour time difference between here and home (as well as not having a lot of computer time) I will not be posting lots of pictures (maybe one or two) until I get home and catch up.

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