A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Deconstructed Pomegranate

Yummy :]

Been in a bit of a funny mood today - not quite enough sleep, 1 mug of tea + 1 mug of coffee before 9am (birthday "breakfast" for one of the OTs, you see!) and a dose of cold medication probably contributed to all that! Jittery!

Thankfully funny moods are accepted in the wee OT team here :)

Can't really remember all that happened today, but it's been good :) Case study presentation #1 went well enough considering it wasn't as polished and practiced as I would have liked! Then midway report was positive and gives me something to aim for over the next few weeks. It's going to be a busy 3 weeks, but I'm determined!

Popped down to Morrisons to get a few bits & pieces (including fifteens ingredients!) and pomegranates happened to be on offer. Haven't had any for a looong time and previous attempts at eating them have varied in success. As it turns out pulling the whole thing apart seems to work best :)

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