Work in Progress

Looking out from what will be the best seat in the house when The Open returns to Carnoustie next summer.

For lovers of golf or sporting drama that’s the Barry Burn snaking through the course. The scene of one of the most infamous events in the game in 1999 when Jean Van de Velde lost the plot, took off his shoes and socks and waded in. Thereby throwing away his unassailable lead.

I was getting another tour of the new golf centre building which will be opened in the Spring.

After that it was time to talk about magic and Lord Of The Rings.

Then it was 30 minutes down the road to St Andrews for more golf chat and mushroom soup.

Then the drive home to meet up with Mrs Smith who had spent the afternoon with Peter Capaldi (AKA Dr Who, AKA Malcolm Tucker etc) and his wife discussing ideas.

Later there was Stout, Prosecco and nibbles and many episodes of The Salvage Hunters.

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