Pooka Vision

By Pooka

We had a day trip into Melbourne, for the first time as a threesome in two years! It's just shy of a 4 hour round trip which is why we don't do it very often any more.  The battery on my camera died after 5 minutes (gutted!) It's amazing how beautiful the parks in Melbourne are, they're stunning all year round, that's certainly something I miss about being so far away.  
We also met up with David, Cathy and Thomas as well which was the main purpose of our trip. 
Bean and I slipped away for a bit and popped into the English shop, H&M and Lush.  Lush was heaving but the staff there were all really good! I've somehow managed to misplace a box of Lush bath goodies in the move so just grabbed a bath bomb which should last a while.  
I've just had my first bath in this house and it's a perfect fit! Nice and deep yet short for the vertically challenged such as myself!! 

p.s Melbourne was manic and there were sooooo many people! We've totally turned into country bumpkins!! 

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