Race start

The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2017 was postponed for 48 hours owing to extremely windy weather. 25 Teams of either solo, pairs, threes or quad rowers set off this morning for a 3,000 mile row across the Atlantic to Antigua in the Caribbean. This was about half an hour before the first team, Kung Fu Cha-Cha, the first Chinese all female quad team shown in extras to take part was the first boat to set off. The girls are doing very well and as I post this entry (on Saturday), they are currently in fourth place out of twenty five who are predominately male and have a lot more muscle than the girls. They row 2 hours on and 2 hours off when they try to sleep. I was reading that the Chinese girls are not accustomed to the English dried food diet that tends to be on offer.

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