Doo Doo Be Doo

Bowerhouse doocot, East Lothian. Another lovely morning and with rain forecast for later I made sure to get out on the bike first thing. Most of the fields are ploughed now, but those with stubble were glowing in the morning light. Chuck in an 18th Century listed building and you've got yourself a decent photo. Walk up to the doocot with camera poised, waiting for the birds to take flight, and you've got a moment. Take 2 more photos and stitch them into a panorama in Hugin, and hey-presto! you've got a Blip...

Big Bowerhouse Blip.

The rain didn't come on until after we cycled home from Beavers at 8pm, so it's been really quite nice. One more school day until the holidays so lots of family time in the coming week :)

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