That Will Bring Us Back To Doh
When the children were small we brought them to this park a lot
There were walks and play parks and animals and a petting zoo.
This is the same park we came to a month back for the illuminations- and it was full to brimming with loads of humans - it was awful.
Today it was full of dog walkers and joggers - I had to cling to himself because I was slipping everywhere on the ice! God only knows how they jogged !
Where the play park used to stand they have dug a massive hollow and encouraged a lake. A new play park has been built but not quite finished yet. It looks like one my two would have loved
The part which was scrub and wasted and empty has been fenced off and fashioned into a park for these beautiful deer - there are signs all round the park indicating that the deer shouldn’t be fed - and what do we find more stupid humans being ever so clever and proud of the fact that they have taught the deer to come to the fence and collect their food
And they are saying so proudly - oh these ones are always first; they know where to
Get fed.
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