Daniel is home!

After a trip to Sheringham market to buy our veg & fruit, Jon and I had a coffee at the Little Theatre cafe. Then home where Mollie was up and getting ready to head in to Cromer to catch up with old friends. I drove her in for 12 and then got back home to start on the long list of baking. 2 dozen orange mince pies made, a pavlova and a quiche. Meanwhile Henry made the chocolate truffles in the chocolate mould I bought midweek. They came out so well he made more, filling one batch with rum flavoured chocolate filling and one orange flavoured.

Jon went in to Norwich to pick up Daniel from the station. He had had an exhaustingly long journey from Coventry via London. Luckily he was only delayed by 15 minutes. Jon picked up a curry on the way back and now it is chilling in front of the tv time.

Looking forward to a day with the Gibbs family tomorrow in Cambridgeshire. Presents wrapped and food sorted. With us all back under the same roof, our Christmas starts now!

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