A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


After a lie in this morning, I went for a mooch around Ramsbottom Christmas markets with Cody.

Drove home and then spent the afternoon eating junk food and resisting the urge to nap.

Around 7pm, I headed over to the big Marks and Spencer to raid the wine and food hall, before returning to settle down and Watch the final two episode of Witnesses on tv.

In these last few months, I have become very aware of who my friends are and who I trust. It’s been quite the revelation to know some of the untruths that have been spoken about me. Not hurtful, just annoying, but my skin is thick enough not to let it in. Tougher than I look and I have a very good memory too. I am beginning to fight my way through some of the murkiness!

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