It's raining!

Even Kwan Yin was happy to see the rain after a couple of days of pretty hot weather. Just another reason to stay inside and watch the cricket :)
It has actually been stormy as well this afternoon and I've raced upstairs twice to unplug the wifi modem! I'm hoping early in the New Year we will have our new Satellite installed. Apparently a few months ago a satellite called Sky Muster was launched so that people in remote areas can also receive the National Broadband Network. Wombat Hollow just falls into that category even though we're only 8km from the Blackheath village.

I did a speed test on our upload and download speeds yesterday and it appears that the best download speed is 1.0mg per second. When we go onto the satellite it will be close to 25mg per second. Does that mean I can get my blip posted nearly 25 times faster :)

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