Life through the lens...

By ValC


It is traditional in our family to have three deserts at Christmas.
Chocolate Log
Christmas Pudding
When we were young we always called them "afters" and still do.

"Christmas Dinner " with eldest son and family, and this year it was nice to welcome George 's girl friend too.

We had a capon this year which was delicious.
A first for us all.
Needless to say there were also pigs in blankets, stuffing balls, roast potatoes, sprouts, carrots,and spiced red cabbage.
Only an odd sprout or two and a few carrots left.
Our family have good appetites!

Feeling a little tired now. Dishwasher working over time.
A very happy day !

Christmas Cracker Advent Joke No. 17

How does Jack Frost get to work?

By icicles.

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