Journey Through Time

By Sue

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

You only see the red feathers on the top of the male's head when they get excited about something. I finally saw a couple of the migrant birds today and was happy I could get this good of a shot of the kinglet. They are small and fast. There were two who were in the dwarf lilac bush that is beside the water fountain. This one is stretched up, about to fly to the water or another branch. It's deceiving here, but these are very small birds and they have that big round eye which is quite distinctive. They are doing a quick stopover on their way south.

A foggy morning giving way to blue skies again. The air was a bit cooler, but it is really nice outside. Bill is working on that tree that he is trying to get out of there with as much root as possible. It's a challenge. It looks like an archaological dig is going on in our front yard.

Also had an insurance salesman come to our home this morning and he can save us a few bucks on all of our out with the old and in with the new.

Other than that, a quiet day in the 'burbs. I need to go for a walk, but I feel like I could take a nap. Don't want to do that, however, as it will really mess me up tonight.

I decided to wear my brace today. I wish this arm would heal. Good grief, I'm tired of this annoyance.

Take care, dear ones. Hope your day is going well.

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