Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Being a Punk

It was an absolutely gorgeous day out today, my idealized version of a Fall day - cool, crisp air, nice breeze, tons of sun, and perfectly blue skies. I took the dogs for a romp in the woods, specifically over to the area where there used to be a pond. The water has now been replaced by some pretty tall grass, interspersed with puddles and mud. I let the dogs explore a bit, Corra was running around and checking stuff out, Loki decided that he just wanted to settle in and have a nice nosh on some grass. As I was exploring a bit, Corra kept coming up to me to see what I was doing and then would romp off somewhere else (close by). Loki on the other hand had other ideas today. He decided that exploring was his thing and he didn't need anyone else to go with him! (very brave for him, he doesn't normally venture far from me!) Pretty sure he was happily exploring some deer trails that ran through the pond bed. However, the grass was so tall, I couldn't see him anywhere and he decided he was going to be the punk dog today and not come back when called. Luckily, my super dog Corra was being very cooperative :) It was really hard to navigate the area Loki was in since it was muddy and some decently deeper water. I couldn't see him at all, so I'd ask Corra to "go find Loki!!" and she'd dash off into the long grass and stand on her hind legs to find him if she couldn't see him. Granted she's short and I couldn't really see her either, but the moment I call her name, she comes flying :D (as you can see in the two top photos). So, eventually I caught up with Loki (he still didn't care about me!) thanks to Corra's help and we headed into the woods instead of the tall grass, since while I wasn't worried, I didn't want to lose sight of his punk face again >:[

The bottom photo is Loki's utter disdain when I was asking him to come (I wanted him to jump over that stone wall). NOPE! My fault, I have been very lazy about keeping up with Loki's recall as of late, since we don't use it that often (due to him not leaving our sides) ... He's getting more independent on the bright side ;)

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