Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


Rather nice colours in the sky this evening.

We've had an interesting afternoon.  W received a phone call on his mobile (number is readily available through his work phone number, though thereby hangs another tale) from a supposed bailiff, who was, he said at W's previous office (the business moved out of there 2 years ago), trying to serve a demand for money, and where was W?  

3 years ago, W made a donation for literature to be distributed to schools about drug abuse.  This "bailiff" was alleging that he promised further payments, had defaulted on them, and now owed large amounts of money.  The implication was that there was a Court judgement against either W or his company.  The bailiff was very sorry that no-one had told W about this before, but presumably all correspondence had gone to his previous office and been lost.  But not to worry, if W paid £3000+ into this BACS account, the whole problem would go away.

So W has spent a considerable amount of time and energy, on the phone to police and their fraud office (only accessible online, and with a form to fill in to report the fraud that is complex, and doesn't really quite take in the niceties of this case); but also worrying that it really might be true, so checking his credit rating with Experian. 

But he did have time to notice the sky, and point it out, so I could pop down the drive and take some photos.

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