Grand Illusions

Having just exited the building of a Long Term Care facility, where a public "conversation" or forum regarding Long Term Care in the State of Oregon had just come to an end, a leaf, suspended in the air, immediately caught my beloved's eye, and mine as well. "A golden opportunity", thought both blippers simultaneously. How often do you get to catch a leaf "falling" over and over again until you get it right?

In a way, it compliments the conversations we all have around the topic of health care. We are all looking for the perfect solutions, but we have to keep trying over and over again until we get it right. Citizens of some countries will tell you that their system is perfect, you can get anything you need taken care of, while other citizens of the same country may have different needs, needs which are not readily met. Trying to create the perfect system, at times seems like a grand illusion, but wouldn't we be foolish if we completely gave up trying? Perfect might be a grand illusion, but
'better' is almost always achievable.

I was caught taking this photo by my beloved. As you can see, I am guilty of not using a tri-pod, and even shooting one handed. Always room for improvement.

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