Sunday Eve

This shot was taken through the skylight of what used to be the 'girl's room'.

Managed somehow to drip-dry a couple of towels (yup, you read that right) outside before the rain came.
Hubby:  You can just spin them.
Me:  I'm experimenting with drip-drying for some, to see if it will make the fluff last longer.
Hubby:  Towels are supposed to lose their fluff after about 5 years or so.
Me:  Yea, maybe, but wouldn't it be fab if it lasted longer than that?
Hubby:  Yea, but for you everything has to last at least 50 years, right?

Caught up on a load of genealogy research today, plus prepared that last bedroom for hubby to put the shelves in.  Olaf finished the paint work last week, so now we can really organize the room.  I'd like to get it done by the new year, actually.  Finally, the rest of the boxes will be emptied, or at least 90% of them.  Looking forward to seeing an empty hall again upstairs, as it looks more like a labyrinth at the moment.

On Monday, the start of the last week of school before the winter break begins.  Loads of loose ends there that need tying up as well.

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