We only went in for light bulbs!

But managed to come out with several other items!!

They were actually required, but hadn’t made it on to ‘the list’ !!!

A DIY store that we almost lived in when we first moved here. I could have worked for the store at that time, as I knew where everything was kept.

One of the disadvantages of having new light fittings and bulbs when you move, is that the bulbs all start to ‘go’ about the same time!!! Even those that are supposed to last ‘forever’.

This was one port of call on the shopping list as we went from car park to car park. We managed to get all that we needed. Food shopping will be Friday’s trip.

PS 8pm just had a phone call from the physio with an appointment for the first week of January. I will have rearranged ribs for the New Year :0))))

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