An un-forecast hard frost saw me toiling to get the car defrosted in time for Mr B's departure for the airport. It took me a good five minutes just to get one of the doors open (note to self: keep some de-icer in the house...)
Foggy too, so it was a beautiful drive back along the Verfeil ridge, with the valleys on either side filled with rolling banks of fog.
More work on the roof, followed by a very necessary shower, after an unfortunate dropped bucket incident saw me drenched with a slurry of rainwater, mud, moss and dead wasps (mostly dead).
Then off into town for CarbBoy's parent-teacher consultation. Despite the usual shambolic organisation (we didn't get the report we were discussing until right at the end) it went well. His teachers all seem delighted with him - he's in a class of rogues, so I think they're delighted to have someone who at least appears to be paying attention. But even objectively, it was a good report.
Mainly, though, it's a social occasion. I saw about half of the people I know here and had lots of gossipy chats.
Takeout pizza as a treat. And finally my Christmas present list is mostly made of ticks.
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